Overview And Tutorial Videos

This video series provides a complete example of PlanButVerify Personal Financial Planner in action.  See how it works.  And what it does for you.  This is your road to success with your money!

A Quick Overview

This video provides a quick, high level summary.  So you can become familiar with the scope and operations at once.

 Quick Overview Demo 





Tutorial – Full Demonstration Part 1: Data Entry

In this video you see how your initial setup data is entered.  Then, PlanButVerify shows your current money situation.  More importantly, this data forms the basis of your secure financial blueprint.

Full Demonstration Part 1: Data Entry





Tutorial – Full Demonstration Part 2: Your Financial Future Reports

Here is the key to understanding and taking control of your finances!  This report is available immediately.  Upon completing your initial data entry.  Then, you see a “report card” of your money health.  In addition to that, you see the future as it will play out if you make no future-impacting changes regarding your money.  This report is summary in nature and shows your money status at the end of each year of the rest of your life.  And more-detailed reports for each year are available when you need to see more information.

Full Demonstration Part 2: Your Financial Future Report 





Tutorial – Full Demonstration Part 3: Mastering Your Future By Modeling Alternatives

This is where you change the future!  You have seen where you are headed (good news or bad) in your Financial Future Report.  You probably want to make it better.  And you can!  Try “what if’s”.  Try out future decisions about your money. And see the results.  This video shows how.

Full Demonstration Part 3: Master Your Future By Modeling Alternatives





Tutorial – Full Demonstration Part 4: Balance Sheet And Income Statement

You can get more detailed information when you need it.  These reports are a gold mine!  Especially to a financial professional, if you are using or will use one.  The information in these reports give you the basis to make changes that control your future.  All is in your hands.

Full Demonstration Part 4: Balance Sheet And Income Statement 





Tutorial – Full Demonstration Part 5: Alternative Modeling Strategy

Different people work different ways.  There is more than one way to build your success.

Full Demonstration Part 5: Alternative Modeling Strategy