Learn how to never run out of money
and live a better life!

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Start enjoying your financial success in just 7 steps.
Our unique, fresh 7-step MINT method shows you how.

Stop worrying.  Take action now. This is so easy to do, you can't fail.
Even if you have no money education or experience!

PlanButVerify Personal Financial Planner
a little about..


We provide information and tools that make it easy for anyone to control their money, futures and lives.  We lead you, step by step, you as you build a money plan that you can test and prove out and see for yourself how it provides financial security for life!  Read more about how we empower you to solve your money worries.

Get Started For FREE

Start with our Introduction Bundle of valuable information and the Lite Version of PlanButVerify software.  So download now for FREE!

Money Security In 7 Steps

These demo videos, from overview to highly detailed, show exactly how you use PlanButVerify to reach your success.

PlanButVerify Software

Use our powerful PlanButVerify software to implement our 7 step method and to build a sound, provable plan for your money and your future.



For continuing useful information, "moral support" and how-to's.
How We Protect Your Information

How We Protect Your Information

Keeping your financial information safe is certainly at the top of your must-do list.  And it is also our top...

How Do I Use “Set Replacement Autos”? Button

Sometimes a convenience can seem difficult, at least to understand.  The Set Replacement Autos button is an example.  Why is...

Money Mistakes To Avoid

Thinking that we don’t make mistakes is a mistake.  We all make them, some of us a lot of them! ...

Your Role In Succeeding With Money

In reading the title of this post, you may already be thinking “I don’t have a role, and I don’t...

What Is My Income Statement And What Does It Tell Me?

The income statement is one of the two financial statements (the other being the balance sheet) that you need to...

What Is My Balance Sheet And What Does It Tell Me?

The vital key to truly knowing the state of your money health is your balance sheet.  Nothing else can do...

Money Security – How Does It Matter?

Does having clear understanding your money status seem important to you?  Your answer to that question may be yes, or...

The Financial Plan And Planners – Part 3

In this this part, I’ll pass on a useful summary of the things you want to know about professional financial...

The Financial Plan And Planners – Part 2

In this second part, the focus is on the actual purpose of the financial plan.  What does it plan?  How...

The Financial Plan And Planners – Part 1

Some of the material in this 3 part post are excerpts from the publication:  Wall Street Journal – Guide To...

Let’s Solve The Money Puzzle

You aren’t comfortable thinking (or trying to not think) about your money.  Or how it has a strangle-hold on your future. ...